SAZ İÇİN AKORD BURGUSU, Ø 8,1 x 23 mm/Dia. 0.32" x 0.91", Taper 1:30 :WITTNER ALMAN
Model No. 2704M-SAZ-BR
Ø 8,1 x 23 mm/Dia. 0.32" x 0.91"
Taper 1:30
Model No. 2704M-SAZ
Finetune-Peg for Saz
For Saz (Baglama) all sizes
1 piece, Taper 1:30
Installation diameter: 8,1 mm/0,32"
The Finetune-Peg for Saz
has been designed with assistance
of Mr. Taner Akyol, Berlin
Dipl. Composer & Baglama.
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